Website Development


The areas of website development this unit will cover are...

1 Understand purposes of websites and the laws and guidelines that concern their development

Purposes of websites: commercial e.g. information repositories, marketing; non-commercial e.g. personal, advice and guidance, clubs; educational; government (local authority, national); communication within organisations e.g. intranets

Client need: target audience; user need e.g. clear navigation, fast download speeds; suitability of language, choice of images, appropriate formats e.g. layout, colour, font

Laws and guidelines: legislation e.g. Data Protection Act 1998; Copyright Designs and Patents Act 1988, Digital Millennium Copyright Act 2000; internet guidelines e.g. employer defined, international agreements

2 Understand the principles of multi-page website design

Construction features: frames, action buttons; hyperlinks and visited hyperlinks; hotspots; download speeds as affected by browser and memory size of pages; interactive features e.g. email links, registration log in

Design: tools e.g. storyboards, sample pages; house style e.g. layout, corporate image, use of logos

Interactivity: acceptance of user input through e.g. keyboard or mouse clicks; underpinning database; form design3 Be able to create a multiple page website

3 Be able to create a multiple page website

Web development software: specialist software e.g. MS FrontPage, Dreamweaver; embedded facility in other packages e.g. Word; other e.g. Flash; use of HTML

Format and edit: common web functions and features e.g. bookmarks, hyperlinks to other pages and external links, use of graphics, fonts and text formatting features, background colours and images; simple HTML e.g. use of editor, file extensions, tags such as ,closing tags; editing and formatting tools

Combining information: information from different sources e.g. scanner, digital camera, application packages, original artwork, clip art Checking: image resolution; colours; internal or external links not working; inappropriate content; text; formatting

Review: appropriate for purpose and audience; problems e.g. unnecessary animation, inappropriate or unclear graphics, slow download speeds, inappropriate font choice or colour combinations

Publishing: uploading files e.g. to intranet or local server; maintaining contents through update; file management e.g. naming files, folder structures, moving and deleting files







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