Website Development

Unit Related Links

Web Pages That Suck

A useful site where you will hopefully learn good design by looking at examples of bad design.

BBC cbeebies

A site where the target audience are children

BBC GCSE Bitesize

A site where the target audience are teenagers

A site where the target audience are young/middle-aged adults

BBC News Article on Websites and Disabled Users

See this article on the BBC website about how most websites don’t cater for disabled users.

Web Content Accessibility Guidelines

The web content accessibility guidelines can be found here.


Here is an excellent example of an interactive learning website (sound needed). You can play an interactive game, listen to explanations, do quiz questions and keep a record of your progress.

The World's Worst Website

This web was designed to graphically demonstrate the most common mistakes made by new Web Page designers. A good site to visit to view badly designed frames.

Folder101 Cisco Quizzes

Here you can view examples of quizzes made using Flash. Click on one of the quizzes and have a look..

Folder101 Hangman Applet

Here you can view an example of a Java applet. In this case the applet is a game of Hangman. Many different types of applets can be created including games, front-ends for databases, applications. The special thing about applets is that they can be run in any type of browser on any type of user's computer. Note the one drawback of applets; they are slow to load.

Course Related Links


The Edexcel homepage for the BTEC Nationals range of qualifications. Look for the BTEC First Diploma for IT Practitioners.

Amazon UK

A good place for buying books online.

BBC OneLife

Good place to look for information about going to university .        

BBC Learning

BBC Learning provides revision and study advice for students of all ages, lesson plans and help for teachers, with advice and guidance for parents. Check out the Information Technology courses       






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