Visual Programming


The areas of visual programming this unit will cover are...

1 Plan and design

Understanding the problem: decide on the nature of the problem; break the problem into manageable sections; consider how each section can be programmed 

Preparation for programming: define input screens and output screens/report; draft out definitions of any data which is to be stored; identify constructs to be used; identify objects to be used; break the program into modules

Write the program

Learn and use the language: the construct and definition statements used by the language; work with different kinds of variables, operators, conditionals and procedures; set properties of objects at design and run time; respond to events

3 Test and modify

Test: plan tests and predict results; create test data for normal, extreme and abnormal testing; test event handling such as response to mouse clicks; evaluate the test results with reference to the specification

Modify the program: modify the program as a result of testing

4 Document

User documentation: user friendly; instructions for starting, using and quitting the program; incorporate screen dumps and other graphics to explain specific operations such as on-screen menu choices

Technical documentation: instructions for installation; annotated program listings; program specification; diagrammatic representation of the modular structure; notes of calculations and any special feature







  Unit Information



Scheme of Work

Notes &Tutorials



Books & Things


ADR 2002